Vintage Silver Corvette

I’m super excited to share this item that was shared with me this week by Paul W., who found the blog and sent the story with pictures to me. Although it’s not a poured bar, this is a piece of vintage silver obtained from B.R. MacKay & Sons out of Utah and made by Balfour Merchandising Company out of Texas. I have to say this is one of the more interesting pieces I’ve seen in quite awhile. Paul’s father was a Chevrolet dealer in the 70’s to early 80’s. The dealership was Don Allen Chevrolet in Miami. These silver corvettes were only offered to the top selling dealers in the US at the time and only 80 were made. Paul’s item is #50. It came with a notarized letter from Balfour along with a jewelers appraisal. It weighs 4 pounds and 99.9% sterling silver. Great piece of Americana. Enjoy the images below.

Side view.
Side view part 2.
Super cool, 1978 plates.
Rear view plates.
Underside. Really great detail here.
Here is the marketing piece for the 25th Anniversary. Very cool!
Letter from Balfour, the maker, stating silver obtained from B.R. MacKay.
Letter of appraisal.

Hope you enjoyed this post. I welcome any of the readers of this blog/site to please feel free to share pieces from your collection. We are always looking to add and update new content that others can enjoy and learn from. Take care all.

Author: Vintage Poured Bars

New blogger with a passion for old poured silver bars. I'm a Bay Area native and self employed. Active buyer of vintage silver poured bars and occasional seller.

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